Modern Feng Shui

What is Modern Feng Shui?

Feng Shui reveals the relationship between yourself and your energetic environment of your home and/or workplace and aims to harmonise these spaces to best support you in your life’s journey.

It uncovers the ‘energetic blueprint’ of your home and/or workplace including the flows of negative and positive energy and how they may impact you and your family on a mental, physical and spiritual level.

Through Feng Shui you will be able to know where your home energetically supports your health, wealth and relationships and what can be done to reduce the impact of those that don’t.  The three Traditional Feng Shui schools of Form, Compass (8 Mansions) and Flying Stars are all practiced in each consultation.

Modern Feng Shui takes it a step further and also assesses the health of your home in relation to the basic principles of Building Biology for any potential low electro-magnetic radiation (low EMFs), chemicals, allergens and particulates.  These affect the indoor air quality and may be adversely affecting your health, contributing to allergies and/ or affecting the quality of your sleep.

The holistic view that a Modern Feng Shui consultation will provide you with the most supportive, healthy and harmonious home environment that improves the health and wellbeing for your whole family.

Please contact us for more information and pricing to suit your home and/or workplace or to make a booking for a Modern Feng Shui Consultation.

What is Ancient Feng Shui?

The art of Feng Shui has only recently been introduced to Western countries. The numerous benefits that it is accounted for are finally becoming understood and more accessible to people in this area of the world. However, it has been practiced for centuries in Eastern countries, particularly China, where it is credited for being created.

For many years, it was sacred knowledge, coveted by those in positions of power to attain and keep wealth, health and abundance in their lives.  Its foundations are based on the philosophical writings of the I Ching (The Book of Changes), which has influenced Asian culture in areas such as: divination, philosophy, mathematics, Confucianism, Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), astrology and numerology. These writings are said to hold the secrets of the Universe, in particular the laws and forces, which govern nature. It also embraces the idea that every living and non-living object is made up of Qi (energy) vibrating at different frequencies.

What is Geomancy & Geopathic Stress?

A form of ancient Feng Shui is known as ‘Geomancy’ or more commonly as ‘Dowsing,’ which aims to understand the spirit of the place where a house is located.  It investigates the site to see if there are any Geopathic Stressors are present running through your house and yard which weaken your immune system, quality of sleep and can cause health concerns in your body depending on where they cross through your house.

These Geopathic stressors can be man made (ie- tunnels/ holes) or naturally occurring in your environment and can be remedied with results instantly noticeable.  It is highly recommended to complement the Traditional & Modern schools of Feng Shui that are more commonly known.

What is Sacred Space Clearing?

Another ancient form of Feng Shui is the art of Sacred Space Clearing, which is the process by which you balance the energetic and physical environment of your home to support you and your family on all levels.

Creating an energetically clear home and/ or work space is vital for calmness and clarity that will benefit you and your family, friends and clients.  It also provides safety, grounding and removes negative energies.

All life is energy and your home is alive and tells the story of your life by absorbing and reflecting back to all occupants and visitors the energetic aspects of your daily routine. It is vital to harmonise and sanctify the environments where you live and work of stagnant and unwanted energy which all have a profound impact on your health, emotions, relationships, finances and wellbeing.

When you change the energy of your home you are also changing the energy of your life.

What is Traditional Feng Shui (Form, Compass & Flying Star Schools)?

The main traditional Feng Shui schools that follow this theory as authentically to their true forms and practiced by us are: Form School, Compass School (8 Mansions) and Flying Stars Schools.

  • Form School considers the energy flow through the surrounding landscape, furniture forms and placement on your home
  • Compass School focuses on the magnetic orientation of your home taken by a compass reading and the influence of its facing direction and the specific energies from the 8 directions once the ‘Bagua’ map is positioned in your home
  • Flying Star School is the most advanced and comprehensive school and is based on mathematics which is the language of the Universe and used to create a ‘Flying Star Chart’ which is a custom numerological chart for your home based on a number of factors

Feng Shui can improve your home with simple and inexpensive options from adjusting furniture and utilising what is already in your home to remedies that activate positive energy and suppress negative energy in relevant areas.  All Feng Shui remedies are based on the Five Elements theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of fire, earth, metal, water and wood.  Colour is also very useful to create good feng shui through tasteful and timeless design advice for your home.

There are other schools of Feng Shui however they are generally simplified versions created specifically to introduce a ‘watered down’ and often inaccurate version to the Western population. Mainly, this was done to protect the knowledge and cause confusion to the true methods of Feng Shui. A lot of media that you may hear or read about does not follow the true forms and would not produce any lasting results following their methods. Also, it is not as relevant in our Western culture to use chinese objects around your house which hold no value or symbolism to you.

What are the Three Lucks of Heaven, Earth & Man?

It is also relevant to understand the harmony of the Three Lucks of: Heaven, Man and Earth which is also emphasised in these teachings.

  • Heaven Luck (Cosmic/ Universal Qi) considers the potential of an individual based on your genetics, astrology and pervious karma and is thought to be fixed from birth and can be better understood and accessed through your (Eastern & Western) astrological charts. You can find out more information on understanding your destiny through Chinese Astrology here.
  • Earth Luck represents your environmental influences, which is where Feng Shui is influential and is seen in your relationship to your built environment that you live and work in as well as larger earth energies (i.e. magnetic poles; geopathic stress; weather etc.).
  • Man Luck accounts for your attitude and character towards charitable deeds you do for others, self-education and what you think, do and create.  An account of what is going on in a person’s life on all levels becomes legible from their surrounding built environment when a Feng Shui consultation is undertaken.

What is required for an ‘on-site’ Modern Feng Shui Consultation?:

All Modern Feng Shui Consultations will require the following information provided prior:

  • A floor plan of your home (to scale, be legible and size to fit on an A4)
  • The age of your home (approximately)
  • Year when any major renovations where completed involving the roof being removed and/or extensions
  • Completed Client Questionnaire
  • Is applicable for a home and/or business

What is required for ‘remote’ Modern Feng Shui Consultation?:

A remote Modern Feng Shui Consultation can be co-ordinated and will require all of the previous information similar for an on-site consultation along with an:

  • Extremely accurate compass reading from Google Compass

Please contact us for more information and pricing to suit your home and/or workplace or to make a booking.

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