How you can use Chinese Astrology to better support you and create harmony in your home.

An informed understanding of Astrology can empower us in negotiating the flow of our lives and how to handle important passages and cycles when they occur. The Four Pillars of Destiny is an ancient system of Chinese Solar Astrology, which is based upon the cycle of the Earth around the Sun. It includes the unique configuration of a person’s year, month, day and hour of birth to determine the 8 elemental energy influences that become the Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology Chart. It is based on the principles of Yin and Yang, which are the fundamental level of energy and its dynamics are considered the basis of the order of the Universe. It also integrates the Five Elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood. These 5 elements manifest themselves in everything and a good example is that of the cycle of the seasons.

Four Pillars   of Destiny Astrology

The Four Pillars Chart once constructed from your unique birth details and information from the Ten Thousand Year Calendar, will be interpreted to reveal a person’s general characteristics, personality qualities, life themes and energy dynamics. These also include the type of relationships a person will tend to have and their dynamics, creativity and expressive potential, career preferences and potential for achievement and weaknesses. As well, it can reveal major life themes and when they will influence your life. The ability to have insight into this information can be very empowering and allow us to manoeuvre more smoothly and pleasurably in life.

Five Elements

The fundamental nature of the Five Elements is that everything in the universe is a manifestation and configuration of them in physical and non-physical forms and on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The 5 Elements and their archetypal impulses manifest themselves in everything from the cycle of the seasons, body physically, psychologically, food, health and all phenomena in nature and matter such as colours, buildings and objects. The fundamentals of Chinese philosophy and the eight limbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Feng Shui), is based upon this system of the 5 Elements. These energies exist singularly and as individual archetypes as seen in nature as well as forming a series of complex relationships to each other and archetypal complexes.

We can begin to have a better understanding of the universe around us and its natural order, by acknowledging the 5 Element cycle in life. Astrology is one form of mapping this cycle of the 5 Elements and using this information to better understand how we can create and co-exist with more harmony and balance with the universe.

Support your space using the Five Elements

When you know which of the 5 elements you need more of in your life to create harmony, you can then integrate these features into the design of your home and/or workplace to better support you energetically. You may find that you intuitively orientate yourself to some of these already!

The 5 elements can be enhanced in your life by using some of the examples below:


A mixture of open plan and more contained spaces will suit you. Create a more warmer & uplifting ambience.  Use more timber, wooden items, plants and green roofs. Do not use excessive amounts of wood or this will create a feeling of being ‘stuck’ and inhibit areas of your life moving with flow. Use more colours of green, brown and purple.


More open plan, expansive spaces will suit you. Create a more warmer & uplifting ambience. Use the physical element of fire (where suitable with Feng Shui analysis), skylights, solar rooms and taller items.  Still important to ‘ground’ expansive and open plan spaces back for overall harmony. Use more warmer colours like red, pink & orange.


Create more grounded, ‘in-touch’ and close to the earth spaces.  Use more earthen materials like mudbricks, hemp, bricks, clay, pottery, rectangular, sturdy & strong shapes, and/or build into the earth, green roof. Use more warmer colours like yellow, orange & brown.


Create more contained, protected spaces that focus attention inside the space. Use clean lines, polished surfaces, ordered, detailed and intricate objects. Use more cooler colours like white, grey and metallics.


Create more contained, protected spaces that focus attention inside the space. Create flow in your life with connected and more flowing spaces with good water feature placement (where suitable with Feng Shui analysis). Integrate small, feature views of water and/or artworks containing water in a flowing and calming manner.  Use more cooler colours like blue, black and purple.

If you’d like to find out which elements would enhance harmony in your life, please contact us for more information.


Amanda created Healthy Spaces By Design to be able to provide a service of healthy and holistic architecture and modern feng shui to people all around the world, particularly Australia. Her unique combination of Architectural design and building skills with the ancient art and wisdom of Feng Shui provides Amanda with a grounded, skillful and unique perspective towards the creation of naturally beautiful, healthy and harmonious spaces for people to enjoy. She works out of her home studio on the beautiful Tamborine Mountain.