4x Steps to Homemade Natural & Healthy Beeswax Tealight Candles

Do you love how healthy and beautiful beeswax candles are and like to try making your own?

I have recently written about the wonderful health benefits of beeswax candles over soy and paraffin and had some people ask about making their own.

Here are 4x simple steps to making your own healthy and natural beeswax candle tealights. Hope this provides some inspiration to giving it a try!


Numerology: What is the number vibration of your House?

Whilst there are many factors that will affects a home’s energy, the numerology of your house is an interesting aspect to be aware of.  When you consider that each number has a specific vibration associate with it you want to ensure you are in harmony with it to have enjoyable experiences whilst living in that …

Why you really do need to De-Clutter!

The Effects of Clutter in your life & home Do you own your stuff or does it own you? Everything you own has a call on your attention and energy. Understanding how your clutter can affect you, helps you look at it in a new way and start to make new decisions about whether you …

Why Beeswax Candles are the healthiest choice.

I have enjoyed making and giving away quite a few candles over the last few years.  Candles always make a lovely gift. They can also work out to be so much cheaper to make yourself if you have time to enjoy at home. I started making beeswax ‘wrap’ candles with lemon eucalyptus essential oil when …

Join me at the Well Women Expo!

Im looking forward to being a part of the Well Woman Expo, which is being held at Jasmin Organic Farm on the 10th September, 2017.  It is in collaboration with the Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week which runs from the 4-8th September annually and is concerned with the promotion of health and wellbeing of all women of every …