How to do a Sacred Space Clearing during the Holidays

A Sacred Space Clearing is a powerful and wonderful ritual to begin the new year with.

Setting a couple of quiet hours aside over the holiday season to perform this ancient ritual, will allow you to set clear intentions on what you want to clear and bring into your home and life next year.  This will give you a great start with clearer focus, better productivity and a more supportive home enviornment to begin 2018 with, which benefits your whole family.

Being a professional Space Clearer & Feng Shui Consultant, I know how powerful an experience this is and have enjoyed hearing of the positive results for the families that I have done this for.  Ive heard many people raise that they’ve tried to do this before at home and say they’ve had mixed results with feedback from our Space Clearings being highly effective and creating real change in their lives and home environments.  As there are many varied information sources and processes around, it can leave you confused and lead to ineffective Space Clearings. It’s important to use a process thats proven to work and brings real results.

Some people have also never heard of a Space Clearing before or think it may be a little bit unusual for them and never experience their wonderful benefits.  Its a process that helps you work smarter not harder.  I’d like to help empower more people to give this a go by having a better understanding and access to a Sacred Space Clearing.

What is a Sacred Space Clearing?

It is a powerful process by which you balance the energetic and physical environment of your home to support you and your family on all levels. It also creates an energetically clear home or work space that is vital for calmness, safety, clarity, grounding and removes any negative energies, emotions and spirits. It benefits all people who live in and visit your home.

All life is energy and your home is alive and tells the story of your life by absorbing and reflecting back to all occupants and visitors the energetic aspects of your daily routine. It is vital to harmonise and sanctify the environments where you live and work of stagnant and unwanted energy which all have a profound impact on your health, emotions, relationships, finances and wellbeing.

When you change the energy of your home you are also changing the energy of your life.

What will you feel after a Sacred Space Clearing?

Once cleared, the space will instantly feel:

  • lighter, calmer, happier and fresher
  • encourage free-flow of energy movement on all levels
  • enhance emotional well-being for all occupants
  • less restrictions and blockages
  • a more harmonious and positive energetic home/ work environment.

When do you need to do a Sacred Space Clearing?:

Ideally, this is the best time to do a Space Clearing on your home and/or workplace:

  • Stimulate change and/ or a fresh start
  • Illness, bad health and/or Death (of another person in the house)
  • Renting and/or Buying a new house (to remove previous occupants energies)
  • Difficulty in Selling a house (to help shift any previous occupants energies and resistance to ‘letting go’)
  • Job loss and/or run of bad luck
  • Increase family harmony
  • New baby and/or pregnant
  • Increase financial prosperity in business
  • Burglary, Theft or Damage
  • Renovations (after and/or during)
  • Antique and/or second-hand Furniture purchases
  • Business- negative energies, communication issues, high staff turnover, stagnant, stuck and/or unmotivated feelings, financial strains and remove previous occupants/ visitor energies.
  • Uneasy feeling in house and/or possible presence of earth bound entities/ ghosts
  • Close to cemetery, pub and/or  hospital
  • Have many visitors through space and/or ’emotional baggage’ often feels left in your house

How can you do a Sacred Space Clearing?:

You can have a professional Sacred Space Clearer out to clear your home and/or workplace or you can buy a DIY- Sacred Space Clearing Kit with instructions to do it yourself.

Benefits of using a Professional Space Clearer vs DIY Space Clearing:

A professional Sacred Space Clearer will have more knowledge, tools, confidence and experience to be able to clear your home with guaranteed results.  They will be able to identify and clear any negative spirits, undertake a Healthy Homes Audit and check for any Geopathic Stress signs that may be contributing to issues in your home. We offer full Sacred Space Clearings to areas of the: Gold Coast, Brisbane and Scenic Rim, Northern NSW. It is a more comprehensive Space Clearing process but more expensive than a DIY Space Clearing.

Being able to do a DIY Sacred Space Clearing is a wonderful and empowering process.  We also highly recommend this as you can learn how to do this ritual for yourself with the right process, tools and gain confidence on Space Clearing your own house.  We have created a DIY- Sacred Space Clearing Kit specially for this purpose and make it a more accessible, simple & effective ritual that can be done by anyone no matter where they live. We also use only natural, low-tox ingredients with a priority on sustainably harvested and compostable materials. There are many inferior, soy, paraffin and palm oil based ingredients out there which we would not recommend for a Space Clearing as you are adding toxic chemicals into your house during the Space Clearing. This Kit also does not include instructions for clearing any negative spirits, Healthy Homes Audit checks or Geopathic Stress removal, which instead are all included in the professional Sacred Space Clearing services that we offer. This DIY Kit is a more economical and flexible option that will also assist people not located geographically near where we offer our services.

What do you do in a Sacred Space Clearing?:

The Space Clearing ritual involves three distinct parts:

1. The ‘Banishing’ Ritual

The ‘Banishing Ritual’ removes unwanted, negative energies and emotions, patterns, limiting beliefs, fears and restrictions from the house, that have accumulated from previous and current occupants.  This part of the ritual includes a solid black ‘Banishing Candle’ and ‘Banishing Declaration’ that you anoint with essential oil, inscribe and set clear intentions of what you are banishing from your home and life. You begin this at your Sacred Space/ Blessing Altar and then clear your home with a strong intention of these intentions being removed with sacred tools. Some of the most effective are: Tibetan Singing Bowls, Bells & Cymbals, White Sage, Palo Santo, Resins & Charcoal, Drums, Rattles, Solar/ Lunar/ Holy Water, Rock Salt, Incense, Crystals & Essential Oils. Once you’ve completed clearing the house you return to the Altar and burn the banishing declaration and feel the energy of the house.

2. The ‘Invoking’ Ritual

The ‘Invoking Ritual‘ brings forward desired, positive energies into your home as your house can feel quiet empty without doing this. This part of the ritual includes using a solid, white/ natural ‘Invoking Candle’ and ‘Invoking Declaration’ that you anoint with essential oil, inscribe and set clear intentions of what you are invoking into your home and life. You begin this at your Sacred Space/ Blessing Altar and then Space Clear your home again with a strong intention of these desired in mind with sacred tools. Some of the most effective tools that Ive found are: Tibetan Singing Bowls, Palo Santo, Frankincense Resin & Charcoal, Solar/ Lunar/ Holy Water, Crstyals & Essential Oils.  Once you’ve completed clearing the house you return to the Altar and fold the invoking declaration up and place under the candle and feel the new, beautiful energy of the house.

3. ‘Four Corner Blessing’ Ritual

The centre of the home represents the heart of the family and combines every characteristic of each compass direction into a central focus point.  This central, focused heart of the home supports and nurtures all family members.  It imbues the house with positive intent and potential.  The ‘Four Corner Blessing Ritual’ creates a clear and focused heart of the home enables the house and occupants improved harmony and balance and all aspects of relationships and change. Four crystals are intuitively selected, cleansed with sage and blessed for their purpose to protect the home and all positive energies created from the Sacred Space Clearing. These are then place in four directions of the house. You then return to the Altar to complete the Space Clearing.

What do you do after a Sacred Space Clearing?:

Its important that you keep hydrated and clear any negative energies after a Space Clearing with a good salt bath.  You may find some emotional things can come up and/ or you feel a little drained.  As you are doing strong, energy work you need to be mindful of this. You will notice that your space instantly feels clearer, calmer, fresher and more harmonious and may find you have improved health and/or sleep in the coming days/ weeks after a Space Clearing.

It is so important to clear the energy in your home regularly. After you have Space Cleared your home for the first time, its vital that you then maintain this by clearing your home on a regular basis.  This can vary to suit you but its recommended that you do a full Space Clearing annually, if not every 6 months.  You can do smaller ones monthly or whenever you feel the energy becoming stagnant, after any arguments, new purchases, signification changes and/ or health issues. A maintenance Kit of White Sage, Palo Santo, Frankincense Resin & Charcoal is sufficient to do this.

I hope you feel more confident on the Sacred Space Clearing process and interested to give it a go this Holiday Season!

If you have any questions or like to organise a Space Clearing or purchase a DIY Kit please contact us. Enjoy!


Amanda created Healthy Spaces By Design to be able to provide a service of healthy and holistic architecture and modern feng shui to people all around the world, particularly Australia. Her unique combination of Architectural design and building skills with the ancient art and wisdom of Feng Shui provides Amanda with a grounded, skillful and unique perspective towards the creation of naturally beautiful, healthy and harmonious spaces for people to enjoy. She works out of her home studio on the beautiful Tamborine Mountain.