Safer use of ‘Wireless technology’ to protect your child’s health + wellbeing

There is a dangerous misconception that wireless technology like ‘Wifi’ is safe for your child to use. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case and they are likely being exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation from a number of sources throughout their day, including at home, car, kindy, daycare and school.

Have you had a spare moment to stop and review if this is ok for their health over the long term? We’re introducing our kids to them from a young age with the presumption that they are safe. Have a look around your home and just notice how many devices you have that use wireless technology in your home now. As we’re all busy and a lot of these new technologies were never explained to us, its understandable that we haven’t really thought to question them or think they’d be a problem for our children. Why would we when there are standards set that make sure they’re safe for our kids?

However this is not the case.

It’s important to ‘self-educate’ about these new technologies so that you can decide for yourself and kids.

What is wireless technology?

Wireless technologies use RF radiofrequency microwave radiation to enable devices like computer, printers and phones to communicate without the need for cables. This is a form of high-frequency electro magnetic radiation field (EMF). Wireless technology is also known as ‘wireless radiation.’ Some devices also give out low-frequency electro magnetic radiation (also known as AC magnetic radiation). Exposure to both, are considered an issue over the long-term.

Consider a few of these facts:

  • There is no standard set for wireless technology exposure for children
  • The long-term effects of wireless technology on human health is not known or proved to be safe for children (or adults). Studies on animals have shown damaging effects to all for precautions.
  • Wireless radiation triggers stress reactions in the body
  • It is likely that ‘Wifi’ exposure interferes with fertility
  • Use of wireless devices can affect your children, unborn children and even chances of conceiving
  • Wireless radiation effects performance, health, mental health, relationships and sleep
  • Many world authorities recommend reducing exposure to wireless radiation
  • Many countries have exposure limits (to non-ionising radiation) 100 to 10,000 times less than Australia including: China, Russia, Hungary, Israel, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Poland.
  • WIFI is banned in schools in many countries like the Council of Europe.
  • Peer-reviewed scientific studies indicate many biological effects ranging from: DNA damage, chromosome damage, changes to enzymes, interruption to cell cycle, reduced immunity, sperm damage, free radical damage, cellular stress, changes to brainwave patterns.
  • Long term radiofrequency radiation exposure is linked to serious health issues, including: cancer (breast, brain, prostate); childhood leukaemia, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s; Alzheimer’s); neurobehavioral disorders (Autism/ ADHD) and macular degeneration.
  • Decades of Russian research involving 1,500 studies concluded using a wireless device for more than 2 hours a day for 5 years was associated with significant long-term health effects. (Consider your child is exposed to 7 hours a day at school when a typical classroom has a wireless router and they use a wireless device (ipad/laptop) and surrounded by many other kids in the classroom with devices).
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation fields used in wireless technologies and mobile phones as being CLASS 2B- Possible human carcinogen in 2011.

The Australia standard is not adequate for your child

Research is indicating some alarming facts about wireless technology, including Wifi. Many countries are already taking precautions for kids. However, our standards are much higher allowing more exposure to these forms of radiation. ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency), is the government agency that sets the standard for human exposure to radiation in Australia.

The standards were set to provide a safe limit for thermal tissue heating using wireless devices. It does not take into account any non-thermal biological issues or long-term exposure, which research is indicating to be a big concern. It also does not differentiate between a child and adults exposure, which is a concern given that a child absorbs much more radiation than an adult.

The standards have also not been reviewed since 1990! This includes no changes since the introduction of wireless devices like smart phones & ipads, which have been readily introduced into schools and homes around the country.   There is also no standard for safe exposure limits for kids in Australia, which is very concerning.

ARPANSA have issued a factsheet on reducing exposure and note they cannot guarantee these new technologies are safe to use, (link below):

Babies –Teenagers now have high daily exposure to wireless radiation

In her book ‘Wireless Wise Families,’ Lyn McLean (2017) raises that babies before they are one are now exposed to using wireless devices for up to one hour a day before they can walk. Teenagers aged 15-19 spend at least 3 hours a day on social media. By age 16, teenagers can be using mobile phones for 6.5hrs a day approx. with 25% of teenagers are ‘almost constantly’ online. This is concerning for this generation of kids as they are the first to be exposed from so many sources for such a long period of time.

Internet addiction is also a new condition affecting many children, possibly enhanced by the convenient wireless access to the internet now available.

Nicole Biljsma (2017) raises in her book, ‘Healthy Home- Healthy Family’ that today’s children are exposed to RF electromagnetic energies millions of times higher than when their grandparents were kids.

There is no guarantee that this long-term exposure is all going to be ok for the health and wellbeing of your children over their lifetime.

Why wireless radiation is more of a risk for child than an adult

  • Children have thinner skulls and absorb more radiation than adults
  • Their bone marrow absorbs about 10x more radiation than adults
  • As a child grows, their cells are dividing and this phase (mitosis) is particularly vulnerably to radiation
  • Their smaller heads resonate with the frequencies of wireless radiation
  • Their brains are still growing and maturing
  • They have a potential lifetime of exposure
  • They don’t have the knowledge or skills to make informed judgements about using wireless technology

Some Early signs your child’s health may be affected

  • Hyperactivity/ ADHD
  • Headaches
  • Sleep problems & long term fatigue
  • Brain tumours
  • Autism
  • Mental health issues (ie: depression & psychological problems)
  • Skin diseases
  • Constant flu-like symptoms
  • Earache, tinnitus (ringing in ears) & balance problems
  • Eyelid tics, pressure behind eyes, eye irritation
  • Brain fog, dizziness
  • Dyslexia, learning difficulties
  • Itchy, prickly, burning sensation, warmth to skin
  • Sensitivities to light, noise, smell &/or chemicals
  • Muscular aches, spasms, restless legs

Creating safer use of wireless devices to reduce your child’s exposure

Taking a precautionary approach to wireless devices would be a wise step for your child’s health and wellbeing. There are many things you can do to reduce your child’s exposure to wireless radiation that you have control over at home, kindy & school.

Safer use @ Home (for babies)

  • Don’t use a mobile or cordless phone when breastfeeding your baby.
  • Don’t have a mobile phone close to your baby’s body if carrying your baby strapped on you or in a pram- keep it on ‘airplane’ mode if nearby.
  • Keep all wireless devices out of a child’s bedroom at night.
  • Don’t buy unnecessary radiation devices aimed at babies & kids (ie: toys).
  • Keep cots and beds away from wireless devices (ie: baby monitors) and create distance from the source at least.
  • Any devices that a baby is using should be on ‘airplane’ mode and separated from their body.

Safer use @ Home (for children)

  • Teach your child not to carry their phone on their body- keep it on ‘airplane’ mode if they do. Consider getting a shielded pouch for the phone if necessary.
  • Use radiation reducing ear phones (ie: ‘air tubes’) when talking on the mobile phone and reduce the time you are talking on it.
  • Text and use the loudspeaker function on the phone over holding the phone next to your ear.
  • Always use devices on ‘airplane’ mode and keep your body separated from the battery radiation of the device (ie: pillow/ desk between ipad and body). Avoid using the device when downloading as emits a higher radiation.
  • Do not use wireless devices in the car, train, bus as the radiation is reflected off the metal carriage back into the space and multiplied inside the area creating high levels of radiation. This includes using the phone to connect via Bluetooth to the car’s speaker system to play music or make calls.
  • Do not let a mobile phone (or other wireless device) be left next to the bed at night- put it on ‘airplane’ mode and create distance between the device and your head.
  • Teach kids responsible mobile phone use and how to use mobile phones for emergency situations rather than unlimited access and exposure
  • Install a blue light filter or app onto a device used at night so that it doesn’t affect their melatonin levels at night and cause sleep disturbances (or avoid using at night). Avoid using devices at night where possible too.
  • Setup a desktop or laptop with a wired connection and make sure you turn off the ‘wireless’ connections (‘Wifi’ & Bluetooth). Wired connections are faster than wireless so you wont lose speed.
  • Turn off the router at night to give the whole family an 8 hour break from exposure- turn it back on again in the morning as needed. Create distance of the router location to the bedrooms in the house.

Safer use @ School

  • Teach your child to use their wireless device (ie: ipad/ laptop) on ‘airplane’ mode at school and keep the device off their body to avoid battery radiation (ie: separate device from body by a cushion/ desk and ensure good ergonomics too). Make sure the ‘Wifi’ & ‘Bluetooth’ are both off on the device.
  • Don’t use the device when its downloading if possible
  • Chose a mobile phone that has a low SARs rating
  • Don’t sit under the wireless router in the classroom (often located in the centre of the room and powered very high)- distance reduces your child’s exposure.
  • Teach your child to leave their device in a safe spot at school instead of on their body
  • Reduce wearable devices on your child’s body (ie: smart watches)
  • After school, encourage your child to take off their shoes (that insulate them from the earths natural electric field) and go outside barefoot in the grass and have a play for a while. This ‘earthing’ time will help their bodies discharge free radicals and balance out and calm them after a busy day. If allowed, encourage them to do this at school in breaks too.
  • Encourage your school community to explore options to reduce wireless radiation exposure to children that is not proven safe over the long term. There are some useful website that you can find out more info here:

Getting more assistance

If you feel that you have concerns with wireless radiation in your home, consider getting professional advice from those trained to test electromagnetic radiation fields, such as a Building Biologist. As a preventative service, a Healthy Homes Audit involves a simpler check to test the AC magnetic fields (low EMFs) in your home of the main concerning devices where you and your family spend time near. It also helps to identify where you have likely sources of RF radiofrequency fields (high EMF’s) in your home and discusses ways to reduce your exposure to them.


Amanda created Healthy Spaces By Design to be able to provide a service of healthy and holistic architecture and modern feng shui to people all around the world, particularly Australia. Her unique combination of Architectural design and building skills with the ancient art and wisdom of Feng Shui provides Amanda with a grounded, skillful and unique perspective towards the creation of naturally beautiful, healthy and harmonious spaces for people to enjoy. She works out of her home studio on the beautiful Tamborine Mountain.