Spring Feng Shui deClutter Challenge Finished!

It was lovely to announce the winner of the beautiful ‘Home Space Clearing | Maintenance Kit’ for the Challenge!

Congratulations to Ivanka Weierter for her committed effort for the Feng Shui deClutter Challenge! You did a wonderful job picking a project each week and posting your results.

Well done again to the whole group for all your deCluttering efforts! I hope you continue to finish up any projects that are outstanding now that you’ve built some momentum!

For those who want to get some inspiration on deCluttering their home have a look at our deClutter facebook group’s efforts.

We’ll be holding another Feng Shui deClutter Challenge in 2019 for a limited space private group.

If youre interested send me a message to book your place!

Until then, you may find some inspiration in these four deClutter videos that I created for the event. Enjoy 🙂

Week 1- Intro to the Feng Shui deClutter Challenge

Week 2- Feng Shui meanings + deClutter Clothes (Marie Kondo + Minimalism)

Week 3- deCluttering Books, Paperwork, Cards + Office

Week 4- Space Clearing your deCluttered areas


About info@healthyspacesbydesign.com

Amanda created Healthy Spaces By Design to be able to provide a service of healthy and holistic architecture and modern feng shui to people all around the world, particularly Australia. Her unique combination of Architectural design and building skills with the ancient art and wisdom of Feng Shui provides Amanda with a grounded, skillful and unique perspective towards the creation of naturally beautiful, healthy and harmonious spaces for people to enjoy. She works out of her home studio on the beautiful Tamborine Mountain.