It was a pleasure to attend the annual Feng Shui Conference held on the Gold Coast on the 3-4th July by the AFSC (Association of Feng Shui Consultants).
It is always good to see a group of likeminded people come together to share knowledge. The experiences discussed were insightful and made me consider the many possibilities of where Feng Shui can be applied in life. It is such a wholistic approach to designing in the built environment. Some great examples were raised and highlighted.
We also had a tour of the near-new architecture and design studios at Bond Uni (where the conference was held) which was interesting and bought out a lot of discussion amongst all. We were also privileged to have Anthony Ashworth who was one of the speakers space clear the conference room prior. He noted that he cleared a number of things from this room including some strong emotions and spirits.
I appreciated the many inspiring quotes that were shared, including one from Jodi Brunner who stated, “Life is full of change. We either embrace it or it happens to you.”
Whilst Feng Shui doesn’t state it will fix all your problems, it definitely goes a long way to enhancing your surrounding built environment to best support you in your life’s journey. This aspect of harmonising your built environment is so important when you consider it as part of a wholistic approach to living. There is no point focusing on just healthy eating or exercise if you come home to a space that depletes your energy.
All spaces you spend a lot of time in should support and encourage you to be recharged, refereshed and energised to go about your daily life with enthusiasm and joy. Combining good design, a focus on optimum health and Feng Shui in any built environment, is an excellent approach to achieving this in any space in your life.