Create a more Healthy and Harmonious Home in 10x Simple Steps

We are all trying to sift through the many ways to create healthier lives and homes for ourselves and families. Keep in mind, there is not much point eating well or exercising your body if you then come home to live in an unhealthy house (or workplace) that makes you unwell and undoes all the good effort.

To achieve optimal health in our modern world you need to consider creating a healthy and harmonious home for optimal health and wellbeing.

The home environment is finally becoming considered by more people for its effects on our health and sleep.  There is plenty of research providing evidence that many of our health and sleep issues are resulting from unhealthy homes and workplaces.  New building standards like the WELLs program are beginning to deal with this on the commercial area.  However, it’s still up to you to do this in your own home.  This can be a positive as you usually spend more time in your home and will have greater control to implement these 10x steps effectively to reduce your exposure to toxins in your home.

1. Clean the Clutter

Clutter in your home really does affect your energy.  Every time you walk past it you think about it and when you add this up over a day you can spend a lot of your energy and thoughts on negative things.  Everything should have a place/ home, or it becomes clutter.

Where clutter is located can also be important. From a Feng Shui perspective, clutter can relate to areas of your life that are stuck, stagnant or where you can be putting off making decisions.  Once removed, blockages in these areas of life can seem to dissolve and move forward with ease.

There are many methods you can employ when dealing with ‘clutter.’  The most effective Ive found to date are outlined in an article here  & also use the japanese ‘Spark Joy‘ method by Marie Kondo Marie too.

2. Create a good front entrance impression

An attractive, strong, clean, spacious front entrance is important in good Feng Shui to welcome in positive ‘Qi’ energy into your home.  If there is clutter or obstacles here; small or weak feeling entry (or other things) it may be affecting opportunities coming to you.  It also represents the area of your life that is ahead of you.

It also does have a relationship to the financial opportunities and area of your life that will be more predominant in your life when living in that home.  This can be reviewed in a Feng Shui consultation. These elements always take into account the siting of the house using an exact magnetic compass reading (not a predetermined ‘Bagua’map that means every house is the same) and an analysis of the ‘Flying Stars’ chart of the house, which is integral to a good Feng Shui assessment.

Ensure you also have a good, strong bristled mat at the entry to reduce your dust load immediately!

3. Create a Healthy Sleeping Space

It is so important to create a healthy sleeping space as you spend so much of your time there (8hrs day/ 20+ years)! It is one of the areas you can create the biggest impact in by applying the 80/20 principle.

Your body requires good quality sleep to regenerate itself- if this is interrupted by a number of items as a result of an unhealthy sleeping space it can result in poor health, sleep, energy and wellbeing.

I have written about the importance of creating a healthy sleeping space which outlines a number of important steps you can take here and 3x steps to low-tox your bedroom here.  Also ensure there is no geopathic stress running through your bed as this can weaken your immune system leading to disease when you spend a lot of time over it (ie: like sleeping in a bed over it).

4. Look for signs of Geopathic Stress

Most traditional cultures have an awareness of the potential for certain sites on the earth that bring about health and in some cases sickness.

Geopathic Stress is a term used to describe the variety of energies emanating from the Earth that rise up and become distorted by man-made and natural sources that can then result in discomfort, weak immune systems and lead to ill health in human beings, animals and plants.

Geopathic Stressors arise due to a disturbance in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, which becomes distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by underground watercourses, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and cavities. The vibration that has now been distorted becomes abnormally high and harmful to living organisms.

Geopathic Stress has been found to be associated as the most common factor with the most serious and long-term illnesses and psychological conditions.  For over 80 years, there has been research conducted in the German medical profession, which recognises millions of cases of cancer and later that it needed to be dealt with prior to any treatments being effective and allow the body to repair itself.  It is less known in Australia to date.  The main issue is if you spend time over areas of geopathic stress, for example if you sleep over it.

For more information on signs to look for and how to treat geopathic stress, I have written an article about it here and also offer Geopathic Stress Clearing services.

5. Look to reduce Electromagnetic Radiation (EMRs)

Electromagnetic radiation (EMRs) have a huge impact on our health following long-term exposure. There has been much research on this subject and it can be tricky to make heads or tails of it.  There is a solid basis for you to be concerned about it and take a precautionary principle at the very least.  There are different types of electromagnetic frequencies that can affect you too further adding to the confusion we may find trying to understand them.

Non-iodising radiation, which is a high radiofrequency EMF (used in WIFI; mobile phones and ‘smart’ devices) is classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as being ‘possibly carcinogenic’ with a push by many independent scientists globally to be ‘probably carcinogenic’. There is a 15-30 year time lag expected with long-term effects of this l form of radiation on humans, which is similar to asbestos, lead, smoking.  This time period is coming up, where it was introduced around 2000 coinciding with the introduction of the 3G networks.

EMF’s are a man-made frequency, which are not found in nature and there is no research to prove that they do not have any long-term impact on human health.  External and internal sources can both have a massive impact on our health.  We need to be aware of those sources that we live near and are introducing into our homes like: smart phones charging near us when we sleep; baby monitors; routers; WIFI from multiple devices etc.  There are steps you can take to reduce your family’s exposure on EMFs from reading books and website information from reputable authors to organising an EMF audit of your home. I have written about safer ways we can start using wireless technology with kids here.

Some simple steps you can immediately implement are:

  • checking EMF sources near where you sleep.
  • consider putting your phone on ‘airplane’ mode if you sleep with it near bed and keep it at least 30cm away (or remove from the bedroom altogether!).
  • keep kids devices on ‘airplane’ mode when using them and
  • start a safe kids protocol for WIFI use
  • turn your router ‘off’ at night to give your body a rest.
  • use a corded connection for devices;
  • turn off WIFI enabled devices when not using
  • avoid or use a corded/ battery operated baby monitors (WIFI ones are as strong as mobile phone next to a baby exposing them to high levels of RF radiation)

6. Clear away negative energy/ Bring in positive energy

Everything is energy. Negative energy is stagnant and can stay in your home environment affecting you.  Even previous occupants who have lived in your home will have left negative energy that you are exposing yourself to daily.  Negative energy can be generated from a range of things including negative emotions, geopathic stress and even spirits.

It is important to clear away any old negative energy in your home and live in an energetically clear environment that is safe, calm, fresh and clear and supports you on your life journey. A Sacred Space Clearing is a process that clears away negative energy and invokes in positive energy. They are worthwhile to consider when you are moving homes; have had illness; new baby expected; feel stuck/ lack direction; negative events etc.

Along with removing negative energy, it’s important to bring in and welcome positive energy into your home daily. Positive energy is ever expanding, light and rejuvenating and enhances your health and wellbeing- ideal for every home to focus on.

This can be achieved in a number of ways and it’s important to ensure you have a good, positive ‘Qi’ (energy) flow from the front of your house clearly through your home (this relates again to earlier points on: 1- clearing clutter & 2- front home impressions) and in relation to Feng Shui, will allow new opportunities to be bought into your home.

7. Create a Sacred Space

Creating a Sacred Space in your house is an important aspect to ground the energy of your home and create a spiritual ‘heart of the home’

It would ideally be somewhere more central in your home where its effects can be radiated out to the whole house and all occupants-. In Feng Shui that ‘Tai Qi’is this space which is the physical centre of the home- this is more the dynamic centre of your home

This space should symbolically reflect your intentions on what you wish to invoke into your life and can include things that are important to you or that you are grateful for in life.

It should be a beautiful space that is a joy for you to walk past or spend time in and allow you to focus your attention in a positive and intentional way.  Keep this area clean, tidy and attractive and place fresh positive ‘Qi’(energy) in it regularly.

 8. Reduce chemicals, dust loads and particulates

Many of our allergies and ill health can be linked to the home environment, which have high dust loads, off gassing chemicals, microorganisms and bacteria present creating an unhealthy home.

Dust is comprised of house dust mites, their faeces, pet dander, human skin, microorganisms and bacteria and can contain heavy metals & toxic particles. Reducing our home’s dust-load is worthwhile to reduce allergies related to your home environment.

Some simple ways to reduce your dust & chemical load are:

  • Take your shoes off at the front door- 50% of your dust load can be reduced instantly
  • Use a HEPA filter in your vacuum cleaner as it reduces 99% of the dust. Normal vacuums recirculate 80% of the dust and now airborne- causing more allergies. Viruses alive for 79 days and now more chance of contamination
  • Use natural, low-toxic house cleaning products and methods
  • Filter your drinking and shower water
  • Reduce any moisture sources that lead to mould

Be considerate of the materials you use in building, renovating or furnishing your home also.  There are many chemicals we are introducing that can be avoided or at very least minimised with awareness.  This is an area of design that can be confusing, require research and some guidance, which we also offer for those that require assistance.

9. Connect to the outdoors and nature

Many studies and research indicating the benefits to connecting to nature.  Activities like ‘Earthing’ or ‘grounding’ allow you to reduce inflammation by balancing out the electrons in your body by simply going outside barefoot on the ground. Ive written more on getting started with the basics of Earthing here.

The cycles of the outdoors are also inherently linked to our biology and can affect us in different ways.  For example, the quality of our sleep can be affected by exposure to natural and full spectrum light (ie: the sun/ natural light sources) and also to artificial light (ie: electronic device screens, most indoor lighting etc).  These artificial sources can impact our circadian rhythms through reducing melatonin being released in our body and thus affecting our ability to get a good night’s sleep and allow the body to regenerate itself.

Aim to create spaces in your home that allow natural, full spectrum light to penetrate; views and pictures of nature and create strong connections to the outdoors where possible.  Consider using ‘blue light’ filters at night on any devices to reduce any negative impacts to your sleep.

10. Create rooms that support you

Finally, ensure you create spaces that intentionally support you and your family’s intended lifestyle. Enhance areas of your life by creating the spaces that allow this to happen in your home.  Ensure they are both beautiful and functional by creating inspiriting spaces and integrating useful systems to make these areas of your life simpler and more enjoyable. This supports ‘Slow’ Living and being more present in the daily moments in your home and life.

For example, if you have a strong focus on healthy eating habits, consider the setup of your kitchen and create a space that is conducive to healthy eating like a wholefood pantry, adequate spaces for unloading, preparing, storing & cooking healthy food, composting and reuse cycles and make it such an inspiring space to cook in that you want to spend time there without effort.

I hope you can start to apply some of these steps and start to create a more Healthy and Harmonious Home for you and your family.

If you feel that you want more help and guidance in any particular area specific to your home, you may be interested in our Healthy Home Audits and can contact us here.


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Amanda created Healthy Spaces By Design to be able to provide a service of healthy and holistic architecture and modern feng shui to people all around the world, particularly Australia. Her unique combination of Architectural design and building skills with the ancient art and wisdom of Feng Shui provides Amanda with a grounded, skillful and unique perspective towards the creation of naturally beautiful, healthy and harmonious spaces for people to enjoy. She works out of her home studio on the beautiful Tamborine Mountain.