Safer use of ‘Wireless technology’ to protect your child’s health + wellbeing

There is a dangerous misconception that wireless technology like ‘Wifi’ is safe for your child to use. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case and they are likely being exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation from a number of sources throughout their day, including at home, car, kindy, daycare and school. Have you had a spare …

Creating a Healthy and Harmonious Bedroom

Your home when healthy, naturally beautiful and harmonious will support you in all aspects of your life. Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home as you spend a long time in it- around 8 hours a day. This can equate to around 20 years of your life! Your body needs …

How you can use Chinese Astrology to better support you and create harmony in your home.

An informed understanding of Astrology can empower us in negotiating the flow of our lives and how to handle important passages and cycles when they occur. The Four Pillars of Destiny is an ancient system of Chinese Solar Astrology, which is based upon the cycle of the Earth around the Sun. It includes the unique …

Why Beeswax Candles are the healthiest choice.

I have enjoyed making and giving away quite a few candles over the last few years.  Candles always make a lovely gift. They can also work out to be so much cheaper to make yourself if you have time to enjoy at home. I started making beeswax ‘wrap’ candles with lemon eucalyptus essential oil when …